Post 2010, GDB began the manufacture of recycled paint,
that was sold under the brand name 'Evolve™'.
Owing to its success, this 8-color line was expanded to
16 colors, and Evolve™ developed from a single
product, to brand umbrella for paint and coatings,
paint applicators and hardware tools.
How Much Evolve™ Paint Does Your Project Need?

Select room shape
Calculate square footage
Wall 1
Add wall
Ceiling paint
Stores worldwide

In 2020,GDB began the opening of our first Evolve
Store for paint, coatings, applicators and hardware.
The aim of these stores is to provide a non-stop
paint shop for all the needs of contractor.
Our stores not only sell prepackaged and pre-tinted
material, but also freshly tint paint within the store.
American Coatings Association

    Celebration at store

    Partnering up with GDB Paint & Coatings has made a great difference to our revenue. Earlier we often found ourselves struggling to meet the strategic goals of reducing carbon footprint and adopting sustainable practices in this industry. But since our association with GDB, there is a drastic upturn on every front. They have this end-to-end approach that helps with minimizing wastage, which is a major concern in the paint industry. It helps companies like ours to reduce carbon footprint, stay within regulations without having to spend any extra money on disposal or surplus management.

    CEO, (Partner Company) - C. Scott